

目前顯示的是 2020的文章

Different Metaphors for Vanity in English and Chinese

 "Vanity" is a very interesting vocabulary. The first time I noticed this word was in a house renovation TV show (probably the Property Brothers). People in America love this kind of double vanities so much that they keep mentioning this word. But when I looked up "洗手台" ( the Chinese word of vanity) on the internet, the results were "washbasin, sink, hand basin…" None of them were what I had heard on the TV program. And they are also not vanities! Then I looked up the English word "vanity", and the Google Translator says it is "pride, arrogant and extravagant". None of them relate to the bathrooms! Finally I found a suitable explanation in the fifth description on the dictionary : a dressing table. It can refer to a dressing table without basins (but with a mirror) or one that settled in a bathroom like the picture. The interesting thing is, the origin of the word is "vain", which means something with empty inside, can not be ...

Taiwan: China's next target? | DW Analysis 中國下一步瞄準台灣?(看影片學單字)

【 DW news 】 因為巧合剛好在 YouTube 看到這個討論台海情勢的影片, 影片本身有英文字幕(不是自動字幕是真的字幕) 雖然沒有作翻譯,但是有寫些單字片語筆記。 因為影片太長了又沒有transcript,打出英文再翻完已經明年了so。

2020 雙十國慶總統致詞稿雙語對照&筆記

【總統府】 中文致詞稿全文   Full Text of  Tsai's 2020 Address 【 Longman Dictionary 】 天啊,這篇怎麼會這~~~~麼長 等我寫完整篇的筆記會不會已經到明年雙十節了 @@ 寫多少更新多少好了。然後同時一邊進行翻譯好了,不然拖太久...

2020/10/05 英翻中:考監存廢》考監院的起源 出於古中國御史諫官與科舉制度 To Go or Not to Go? The Origin of Control Yuan and Examination Yuan.

 【 公視新聞網 】 李宜芳 董容慈 / 整理報導  2020-07-10 15:51 最後更新:2020-07-13 15:32 超越黨派公正獨立行使職權這種事行,根本就不存在。 英美法導論教授直白地說:「司法獨立這種事情根本就不存在。」 嘖嘖嘖。 再不好好寫論文,畢業證書就會不存在啦 

2020/10/04 新聞翻譯:Ministry to push English at universities 教育部將推動英語高教

【 Taipei Times 】  OPTIMISTIC GOAL: The Ministry of Education plans to choose four schools that would be models for the policy, which some university presidents said would pose challenges 計畫願景:教育部預計挑選四所大學作為示範學校,但部分校長認為這個目標過於艱鉅。   By Rachel Lin, Wu Po-hsuan and William Hetherington / Staff reporters, with staff writer   為了用英文授課增加外師比例和國際學生,這對於台灣的全球定位真的會有幫助嗎? 歐洲國家很多人英文流利,但是他們的語言本來就有相似性。 日本和韓國英文程度也不見得很好,雖然他們的確為此苦惱,但卻仍能在世界中佔據要角。 台灣想要轉型成雙語國家,推行全英語教育,還是必須先問問這麼做的目的究竟何在?

2020/10/3 中翻英:聯合報社論/川普確診,台灣人還靠「氣質」防疫嗎? Can "Grace" lead Taiwan through the pandemic?

  2020-10-03 00:54 聯合報 / 聯合報社論   川普與妻梅蘭妮亞確診染疫新冠病毒,隨即隔離。(美聯社) President Trump and the first lady Melania tested positive for COVID-19. (AP) 翻這篇花了好幾個小時

2020/10/02 新聞翻譯: Trump Tests Positive for the Coronavirus 川普確診武漢肺炎

 The New York Times By Peter Baker and Maggie Haberman Oct. 2, 2020Updated 6:45 a.m. ET President Trump’s positive test result posed immediate challenges for the future of his campaign with barely a month until Election Day. Erin Schaff/The New York Times 川普的確診對只剩不到一個月的美國總統大選帶來變數。 川普真ㄉ是米國最狂總統@@

2020/10/1 中翻英練習:南方澳斷橋週年追思 移工籲改善漁工環境 Migrants call for better living conditions in Nanfang’ao accident memorial ceremony

公視新聞 2020-10-01 12:49   最後更新: 2020-10-01 14:56 為了寫英美法導論的作業和趕論文進度, 好幾天都沒有做翻譯練習,實在挫敗 有時候覺得自己做了很多事,有時候覺得忙得昏頭轉向,還是什麼事都做不完 雖然中斷,可是我還沒放棄,只希望這樣的努力也能帶來足夠的進步。 即使跌個狗吃💩 也不要放棄,keep that mentality.

2020/9/23 新聞翻譯:China sharply expands mass labor program in Tibet 中共大舉擴張西藏勞動計畫

 XINJIANG MODEL? Researcher Adrian Zenz calls the program a coercive change from nomadism and farming, and targeted attack on traditional Tibetan livelihoods 新疆翻版?研究人員安德烈.曾茲說,這個計畫強制改造牧民和農民,對藏族傳統生活文化造成巨大衝擊。 Reuters, BEIJING  北京路透社    Taipei Times A paramilitary policeman stands guard in front of the Potala Palace in Lhasa, Tibet, on Nov. 17, 2015. 2015年11月17日,一位衛兵在西藏布達拉宮外站崗。 這篇文章很長,不好翻譯,但我還是選了它,因為我愛西藏,真希望她的獨特美可以長存。 文章實在太長了,沒有翻完全部,不然今天就沒辦法寫英美法作業QQ 我無法做什麼,只能願西藏平安。

2020/9/22 中翻英:921國家防災日 總統出席啟聰學校避難演練 President Tsai attends drill on 921, National Disaster Prevention Day

  公視新聞      吳雅瑜 陳立峰 / 綜合報導  2020-09-21 12:52 最後更新:2020-09-21 15:00 堅持啊~~吉兒

2020/9/21 新聞翻譯:Gore-Tex: Inventor of waterproof fabric Robert Gore dies aged 83 Gore-Tex 發明人羅伯高爾過世,享年83歲

20 September 2020 BBC News   Robert Gore won awards for his contributions to science 羅伯高爾曾獲得科學貢獻獎項 傳說大雨中站三天三夜不會濕的衣服

2020/9/17 新聞翻譯: Our crazy finding suggesting life on Venus 金星上有生物存在?

( CNN ) Opinion by Sara Seager Updated 0229 GMT (1029 HKT) September 15, 2020

2020/9/16 中翻英:北市勞局夜間突襲勞檢 6金融機構全違規 Taipei DOLA finds 6 financial institutions breaking the law

[ 公視新聞 ] 陳冠勳 謝政霖 蔣龍祥 / 台北報導  2020-09-15 19:31 最後更新:2020-09-15 21:01 語言轉換真的好累啊~ 突襲檢查是什麼 接獲陳情 報加班怎麼講啦!!

2020/9/15英翻中練習:Trump renews climate fight in visit to fire-ravaged West Coast川普視察西岸野火,卻再度挑起氣候爭議

Analysis by  Maeve Reston ,  CNN Updated 2120 GMT (0520 HKT) September 14, 2020 毀滅世界的任務,川普執行得很徹底。 真正英文翻中文,跟中翻英差不多難!!! (累)

2020/9/14 新聞中翻英練習:南投武界壩無預警放水 2家共4人遭沖走

公視新聞   邱植培 王龍韜 / 南投報導   2020-09-13 19:21 最後更新: 2020-09-13 20:04   我覺得...應該不能國賠。

[閱讀心得] Can't Hurt Me《傷不了我》(暫譯)


2020/9/11 新聞翻譯:銅鑼灣書店潑漆案,檢方起訴三嫌

 Three charged for attack on Hong Kong bookseller 銅鑼灣書店潑漆案,檢方起訴三嫌 09/10/2020 04:42 PM   Taipei, Sept. 10 ( CNA ) 那天去銅鑼灣書店逛逛,老闆就是一個很一般的老先生而已,你來了,他沒要討好你,你走了,他也沒要挽留你。有一本書在架上找不到,問他,他說「沒有。」我說「沒有?」他說「沒有。」就是這麼直白,還有什麼好問呢。

2020/9/10 中翻英練習 達賴喇嘛明年訪台 西藏流亡官員:須條件配合

 Dalai to visit Taiwan, officials in exile: conditions required 2020/09/10 00:53 〔 中央社 〕 達賴喇嘛來台灣我一定衝了啊! ! ! !

2020/9/9 新聞翻譯練習:多檔本土舞台劇將在兩廳院上演

 National Theater & Concert Hall's upcoming shows mainly local 多檔本土舞台劇將在兩廳院上演 Taipei, Sept. 8 ( CNA ) 09/08/2020 08:57 PM A scene from "Bando." Photo courtesy of the National Theater & Concert Hall ( 《十二碗菜歌》劇照,照片由兩廳院提供) ( 內心吶喊:好久沒看表演啦~~~ )

三倍券、偽造變造仿造 英文怎麼說?

2020/8/14 津津有味、大驚小怪的英文怎麼說?

 2020/8/14 今日新聞英文 Today news today words 義大利年輕人不鳥社交距離 (From VOA ) 1. 津津 (津津有味、津津樂道的感覺) : relish (v.)   relish the prospect/idea/opportunity/doing something ↪例:他很喜歡問別人私密問題。他很喜歡證明別人是錯的。   relish (n.) with great relish ↪例:我吃得津津有味。I ate with great relish , enjoying every bite. ➔ Longman Dictionary 2. 大驚小怪 : much ado about nothing  出自莎士比亞的喜劇《無事生非》,是形容大驚小怪的意思。➔ Longman Dictionary ↪例:新冠肺炎只是大驚小怪。The coronavirus pandemic is much ado about nothing . 2-1. 毫不猶豫,立馬: without further ado ↪例:他立馬訂票。He booked the ticket without further ado. ↪例:他頭也不回地關門走人。He turned on his heel and left without further ado , slamming the door behind him. ➔ Longman Dictionary 3. 鄭重強調: emphatically 4. 厭煩,惱怒: chafe at/under/against something (特別是對於管制、批評) ↪例:義大利年輕人對上一代長期把持國家資源感到惱怒。Young Italians have long chafed at what they see as the hold that older generations have on the country. 5. 只剩一點屑屑: only crumbs   / krʌm / b不發音。麵包屑 bread crumbs. allowing them mere crumbs that can't feed a future. 只剩一絲安慰/希望:The...

2020/8/14 民法、成年年齡的英文怎麼講?

2020/8/14 今日新聞英文 Today news today words  政院拍板成年年齡下修至18歲 (From  Taipei Times ) 1. 政院拍板: cabinet approves 2. 民法 : Civil Code 3. 成年年齡 : the age of majority 4. 與...一致: in line with something (與國際趨勢、研究結果...一致) 5. 引領至: usher somebody in/into/to something 全部加起來: The Cabinet has approved the amendments to(注意介係詞) the Civil Code that would lower the age of majority from 20 to 18, bringing the nation in line with the international trend and ushering in a new era.  #by Jill Yang


 2020/08/14  今日新聞英文 Today news, today words 東部最長的徒步吊橋在太魯閣國家公園正式啟用 (From CNA news ) 1. 吊橋: suspension bridge 2. 行人橋: footbridge 3. 峽谷: gorge (gorge同時也是吃撐的意思。 gorge oneself on something. be gorged with something) 4. 原住民部落: indigenous tribe (現在好像都不太用 aboriginal 了,比較常看到indigenous) 5. 觀景台: viewing deck 6. 年久失修 : fall into disrepair / in a state of disrepair 7. 日治時期 : Japanese colonial period 8. 預先: in advance 全部加起來: The new suspension bridge hung over the Taroko gorge , which has viewing decks on its both sides, was officially opened with the blessing of elders from the local Truku indigenous tribe . The original footbridge built in the Japanese colonial period fell into disrepair and was replaced by the Central Cross-Island Highway. To visit the bridge, tourists have to book 3-14 days in advance .  # by Jill Yang

(新聞翻譯)The Mongolian Rooney, the thief, and the fightback 蒙古版魯尼,詐騙,與反擊

    News from BBC, by Owen Amos , 20 July 2020 On a cold, dark Mongolian morning, a teenager leaves his family's tent and heads to school through thick, smoky air.It's 06:00 and -20C (-4F). School 107, on the edge of the capital Ulaanbaatar, doesn't open for two hours. But Ochiroo Batbold has a key.   天色未亮、寒風刺骨的蒙古清晨,少年起身離開他的蒙古包,穿過空氣中漫布的白煙,前往坐落在首都烏蘭巴托郊區的「 107 學校」。現在是早上 6 點,氣溫僅僅零下 20 度(負 4 度 F )。距離學校開門的時間還有兩小時,但是少年,奧奇魯‧巴特伯德,有鑰匙可以進入。

look forward to和be looking forward to原來有差!