2020/8/14 今日新聞英文 Today news today words
(From VOA)
1. 津津 (津津有味、津津樂道的感覺):relish(v.)
relish the prospect/idea/opportunity/doing something
relish (n.) with great relish
↪例:我吃得津津有味。I ate with great relish, enjoying every bite. ➔ Longman Dictionary
2. 大驚小怪:much ado about nothing
出自莎士比亞的喜劇《無事生非》,是形容大驚小怪的意思。➔ Longman Dictionary
↪例:新冠肺炎只是大驚小怪。The coronavirus pandemic is much ado about nothing.
2-1. 毫不猶豫,立馬:without further ado
↪例:他立馬訂票。He booked the ticket without further ado.
↪例:他頭也不回地關門走人。He turned on his heel and left without further ado, slamming the door behind him. ➔ Longman Dictionary
3. 鄭重強調:emphatically
4. 厭煩,惱怒:chafe at/under/against something (特別是對於管制、批評)
↪例:義大利年輕人對上一代長期把持國家資源感到惱怒。Young Italians have long chafed at what they see as the hold that older generations have on the country.
5. 只剩一點屑屑:only crumbs /krʌm/ b不發音。麵包屑 bread crumbs.
allowing them mere crumbs that can't feed a future.
只剩一絲安慰/希望:There was only one crumb of comfort/hope.
6. 陷入泥淖:mired, sink into/stuck in the mire of something
mire 是深尼的意思,例:As the country is at present face down in the mire,
the country remains mired in an economic crisis,
#by Jill Yang