2020/08/14 今日新聞英文 Today news, today words
(From CNA news)
1. 吊橋:suspension bridge
2. 行人橋:footbridge
3. 峽谷:gorge
gorge oneself on something. be gorged with something)
4. 原住民部落:indigenous tribe
5. 觀景台:viewing deck
6. 年久失修:fall into disrepair/ in a state of disrepair
7. 日治時期:Japanese colonial period
8. 預先:in advance
The new suspension bridge hung over the Taroko gorge, which has viewing decks on its both sides, was officially opened with the blessing of elders from the local Truku indigenous tribe. The original footbridge built in the Japanese colonial period fell into disrepair and was replaced by the Central Cross-Island Highway. To visit the bridge, tourists have to book 3-14 days in advance.
# by Jill Yang