【DW news】
因為巧合剛好在 YouTube 看到這個討論台海情勢的影片,
stalemate 僵局 ended in stalemate, break the stalemate. [syn] deadlock
fervent 熱切的 a fervent admirer/believer/supporter of human rights. [syn] strong
raucous 喧鬧的 /ˈrɒːkəs/ raucous laughter, raucous cheers. [thesaurus] loud
Vatican 梵諦岡 (人口只有825人!!)
watertight 防水密封的/天衣無縫的 His alibi is watertight→ airtight 氣密的
alibi 不在場證明 /ˈæl.ɪ.baɪ/
coercion 威脅 (n.) acting under coercion.
dwarfed (v.)(usually passive) 令對方相形見絀(絀ㄔㄨˋ)
The cathedral is dwarfed by the surrounding skyscrapers.
St. Patrick's Cathedral,
New York City,
blockade 封鎖/blɑːˈkeɪd/,國家被外力封鎖那種 a naval blockade/ impose a blockade/ lift a blockade
compatriot 同胞 Taiwan compatriot permit 台胞證
secession 分裂國土 anti-secession law 反分裂法 a vote in favor of secession
renounce 正式放棄 renounces her Master's degree due to plagiarism allegations.
plagiarism /ˈpleɪdʒərɪzəm/ 抄襲
amphibious 水陸兩棲 amphibious creatures/ vehicle/ operation/force/assault
maneuver 精巧的操作動作/軍事演習/花招妙計
rejuvenate 回春,變年輕 re+juvenile+ate
scramble 有很多意思。
爬上爬下爬過 ~up/down/over。趕快爬起來 ~to his feet/out/from。
迅速回應困難 scramble to do something。爭搶 scramble for (tickets)。
無線電訊號加密 The conversation will be electronically scrambled.
打亂文字順序 The words in each sentence are scrambled.
炒蛋 Scrambled eggs。
使頭腦混沌 This amount of LSD is enough to scramble anyone's brains.(要加s)
戰機緊急升空 to escape or to attack an enemy.(本文意思)
munitions 軍火 a munitions factory. a munitions depot.
ammunition 彈藥
nuance 細微差異 [syn] subtlety. nuance of color/ tone/ texture. subtle nuance.
espionage 間諜活動(臥底洩密) industrial espionage against his main rival.
counter-espionage 反間諜
fortress 堡壘 要塞 a granite fortress. shorthand=fort
honeycomb 蜂窩 蜂巢狀 建造成蜂巢結構
garrison 駐軍 a garrison town/fort. garir-, to defend.
ostensible 表面上的(目的) ~reason/purpose/aim.
The ostensible reason for his resignation was ill health.
His ostensible purpose was charity, but his real goal was popularity.
ostensible= ob ( to show) + tendere ( to strech).
overarching 首要的,總體,包羅萬象 overarching goal/theme/strategy
delineate 勾畫出 delineate one's rights and obligations. boundaries are clearly delineated.
comfortable margin 餘裕