
2020/10/05 英翻中:考監存廢》考監院的起源 出於古中國御史諫官與科舉制度 To Go or Not to Go? The Origin of Control Yuan and Examination Yuan.


李宜芳 董容慈 / 整理報導

 2020-07-10 15:51 最後更新:2020-07-13 15:32




Taiwan is the only country in the world that implements a five-branch government sructure. According to the Constitution of the Republic of China (Taiwan), there are five branches under the central government, including the Exacutive Yuan, the Legislative Yuan, the Judicial Yuan, the Examination Yuan and the Control Yuan. All independently exercise their own functions.
The idea of a five-branch institution came from the Father of the Nation, Sun Yat-sen. He created this unique constitutional system on the bases of the "Three Principles of the People", that is the nation shall be a democratic republic "of the people, by the people, and for the people". In addition to Exacutive, Legislative and Judicial powers that most western countries have, an extra Control Yuan and Examination Yuan were put into Sun Yat-sen's constitution.
The origin of the concept of Control Yuan and Examination Yuan is deeply Chinese-tinged. It is the Chinese traditional inspection consultant officer and the imperial examination system that integrated into the saperation of powers.

千年傳統科考制度 融為現代監考權
Ancient administrative system transforms into the Control and Examination powers

根據監察院資料,中國監察制度自秦朝起至中華民國,已有2000多年歷史。 古代中國多採集權制度,高官擁眾多職權於一身,因此需要有負責監督的官吏,以維持官場風氣。孫中山認為,立法權兼監察權會造成國會專制,因此保留傳統中國的監察機關,納入三權分立的架構中。
It has been more than 2,000 years for Chinese to have a inspection party in their its administrative system, starting from Qin Dynasty to the Republic of China, according to the researches of the Control Yuan. To avoid the ancient authoritarianism and as well as to balance the power of a dictatorial legislative power, adding an additional inspection institute into the government would make the nation free from corruption, Sun Yat-sen thought.
The Examination Yuan is a representation of the imperial examination system, aiming to end the "spoils system", a system that officeholders awarded their allies and relatives with government job, by establishing an independent recruitment and evaluation agency.
考監兩院任務 監督公務體系運作
Control Yuan and Examination Yuan to rectify the government
The Article 6 of the Additional Articles of the Constitution of the Republic of China says the Examination Yuan shall be the highest examination body of the State, and shall be responsible for holding examinations, matters relating to the qualification screening, security of tenure, pecuniary aid in case of death and retirement of civil servants, also legal matters relating to the employment, discharge, performance evaluation, scale of salaries, promotion, commendation and award of civil servants. The president of the Examination Yuan shall be nominated, and with the consent of the Legislative Yuan, by the president of the Republic. The vision of the Examination Yuan is to establish a healthy civil service system and to improve the capability of public servants.  
The Article 7 of the Additional Articles of the Constitution of the Republic of China stipulates that the Control Yuan shall be the highest control body of the State and shall exercise the powers of impeachment, censure and audit. If a public functionary in the central government or local governments made a dereliction of duty or violation of the law, the Control Yuan can start an investigation against them.

# Jill Yang
