
2020/10/3 中翻英:聯合報社論/川普確診,台灣人還靠「氣質」防疫嗎? Can "Grace" lead Taiwan through the pandemic?

 2020-10-03 00:54 聯合報 / 聯合報社論



President Trump and the first lady Melania tested positive for COVID-19. (AP)





The "October Surprise" of the 2020 presidential election lies not between the Taiwan strait but in the White House: Trump and the first lady Melania tested positive for COVID-19, and were sent to quarantine for treatment immediately. All rallies were postponed, freezing the election campaign, adding uncertainty to this whole situation. The possible following impacts raised concern around the globe.




With around 7.3 million confirmed cases, more than 200 thousand deaths, and 40 thousand daily new cases, America is among the worst hit countries by COVID-19, which had infected over 34 million people and killed more than one million worldwide. Trump and the Democratic nominee Joe Biden got into dispute over the responsibility for the pandemic's damage at their presidential debate days ago, which highlights the chaotic response the U.S. took against the virus.




They argued from the nomination of the Supreme Court Justice to the health care system, then to the reaction to the coronavirus. In Biden's words, the nominated Justice, Amy Coney Barrett, is against to the Affordable Care Act. But with so many victims died from the pandemic, the "Obamacare" should not be overturned. He also blamed Trump for hiding the truth, reopening the economy too soon to come up with an appropriate plan, posing a serious danger to the country. Trump has said that the vaccine is about to ready, but Biden wondered if it would be available until mid months 2021. Biden also satirized the success of billionaires like Trump during the pandemic, saying that Trump only cares about rich people, not the general public.




In defense, Trump said that if the virus occurred when Biden was in charge, more people would have died; hadn't he closed the border to China, this would also happen; and if he hadn't reopened the economy, more people would have problem surviving. Besides, Trump mocked Biden for wearing a mask every time he made a public appearance, and said he himself would not do the same as Biden did. 




Through a debate that was full of personal attacks, overlapping and shouting at each other, we can easily understand why America gets so bad in this battle against the outbreak. No matter how vigorously he blamed China and the States, Trump's disrespecting for science, unwillingness of wearing a mask, confusing lockdown measures, rush to resume the market, prioritizing politic over pandemic and inability to reach a social consensus, only made things even worse. It's fair to say that Trump has the absolute responsibility for the prolonged crisis in the U.S. as well as the first couple’s COVID-19 infection.



Other infected national leaders such as the president of Brazil Bolsonaro and the UK prime minister Boris Johnson, were all bearing the consequences of their reckless decisions about the disease, which also intensified the outbreak around their country. Johnson, who was once critically ill, shifted the originally relaxed lockdown measures to various restrictions aiming to curb the coronavirus after he went through the medical treatment. Trump, 74 years old, who was already vulnerable to this virus and tends to show severe symptoms once infected, shouldn’t have been so incautious in the first place. With the experience of getting sick, will he change his attitude toward the pandemic or will he just blame China even harder, that’s the question.



It is a political and constitutional concern that how Trump’s disease would go on, and whether the Vice President Mike Pence, who closely interacts with President Trump, would get infected or not. The campaign trail has been halted, the next presidential debate left up in the air. If Biden also gets the coronavirus through the droplets spread in the intensified debate with Trump, the election will become totally different. Most Americans had already decided whom to vote, and that debate described as “the shame of democracy” didn’t make much difference. This time, it’s still unclear what impact on the political system Trump’s positive test result will have.



In a country that has an advanced medical technology, Mr. and Mrs. Trump will get the best health care. Taiwan, as well as other countries around the world, sent messages wishing the first couple a speedy recovery. But Trump’s infection has other phases that Taiwan should consider: on the political side, an uncertain U.S. presidential election may add instability to Taiwan’s future, which has been largely bet on Trump by president Tsai. On the medical side, Shi-chong, Chen, The commander of CDC, has said the “graceful Taiwanese”can beat the pandemic,  which is just as nonsense as the sanitizer-injection advice by Donald Trump. The spokesman of CDC Jen-Shiang, Chong pointed out the main reason caused President Trump’s infection was that he didn’t wear a mask during campaign rallies, so that people should pay more attention to social distancing and keep our masks up. However, as the scandals of “national mask team”erupt one by another, people lose vigilance about the spread and the vaccine exists only in Chen’s words, can Taiwan really overcome this crisis? After all, “grace” cannot kill a virus.

# Jill Yang



after lives

There was a time when I had this question on my mind: If there are countless after lives, meaning we will come back again and again, until an infinite future, why do we have to practice diligently this life?  Why can’t we just play around and have fun this life and then in one of our after lives, we start to practice. It will never be too late because we will have infinite after lives.  But as I learn more and more about mindfulness practice, I realize that Buddhism practice is not for reaching an ultimate goal to become enlightened. Mindfulness practice is to become happy, and to reduce suffering.  So why do we have to wait until future lives to start becoming happy when we can become happy right here and right now? you can be happy right here and right now and when you do that, you are enlightened, you are a Buddha. # Jill Yang

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 【 公視新聞網 】 李宜芳 董容慈 / 整理報導  2020-07-10 15:51 最後更新:2020-07-13 15:32 超越黨派公正獨立行使職權這種事行,根本就不存在。 英美法導論教授直白地說:「司法獨立這種事情根本就不存在。」 嘖嘖嘖。 再不好好寫論文,畢業證書就會不存在啦 

When is the beginning of a new life?

I just read about a news article showing a poll that says 6 in 10 U.S. adults support protecting the rights of embryos to some degree. It mentioned a court ruling in Alabama state, which says embryos, even fertilized outside the womb, have equal rights as humans do. This ruling almost forced IVF treatment centers in Alabama to halt operation because if embryos are indeed humans, they are basically killing hundreds of lives every year as they dispose unused embryos!  Absurd as the "embryo equals human" argument seems at first glance, it actually leads to a deeper, philosophical question: when does life begin, and when does it end? According to the same poll, 3 in 10 Americans believe the statement: "human life begins at conception," which sounds perfectly logical. But when put into legal context, not so much. The Article 7 of the Civil Code of Taiwan stipulates that " An unborn child is considered as if it were already born with regard to its interests, except ...