公視新聞 邱植培 王龍韜 / 南投報導
2020-09-13 19:21 最後更新:2020-09-13 20:04
6 people from two families,
including 4 adults and 2 children, went camping at the Wujie Creek, Nantou County on September 12, while where the Wujie Dam suddenly released its water without
warning at the early hours of the next morning, causing 4 people flushed swept away
by the huge water flow flash flood. 3 bodies have been found, but one remains missing as
the rescue team continuesd to search.
The mother burst out crying emotionally when the helicopter of the Airborne Service carried the little girl's body to the shore. They just had a great day camping out at the Wujielichi creek bank with two families, 6 people in total, hours before the Wujie Dam upstream of the creek unexpectedly released its water at around 4 a.m., September 13.
"I was sleeping in the car," one survivor, miss Hu, said "leaving the car window opened. When I heard the booming, I thought it was the rain, but it's not. I quickly got up and checked out the sound, it was the water."
SUVs still stuck in the riverbed, waiting for other motor vehicles to drag
them away. 4 people, 2 adults and 2 children, had been flushed swept away by the
water. A large number of search-and-rescue crew personnel have been deployed dispatched to the area to conduct the searching mission.
"The floodgate six had turned on itself with unknown
reason." Hsu tsung-yuan, the head of the Mingtian power hydro plant said.
"Since it opened automatically without a sign, we didn't have a clue
about this either, and we didn't make the warning announcement."
Hsu has confirmed that the floodgate six of the dam had automatically
opened twice for due to "unknown reason", one at 4:12 a.m., one at 5:08
a.m.,September 13. By 5:00 p.m., September 13, 3 bodies have been found,
but one adult man remains missing. The survivors still panic when thinking
about the accident.
"I called them and tried to find them with my flashlight, but they were all gone." Miss Hu recalled.
She climbed to the car roof and made an SOS call, but her husband and daughter were already missing. The Taipower company said that the prohibition signs have been put around the riverside as they were asked about whether it's illegal to camp in the Wujie creek bed.
"Every entrance to the creek stands a sign, telling people not to go down to the creek bed for safety concerns, as the dam could release its water at anytime." Hsu stated.
The place where the accident happened is not a legal camping site,
the Tourism Bureau, M.O.T.C and the Nantou County government have verified.
But the victim's family members claimed that the malfunction of the floodgate
and the absence of a warning announcement before the water discharge have played a
role in the accident. They are considering to issue a claim for state
compensation. The Taipower said it needs further investigation to find the real
cause of the gate's unexpected opening.
carry away
rushing water
rising water
call for help
prone to flooding
#Jill Yang