







單邊下腹抽痛也是判斷重點之一...也太可怕了吧 >"<

馬上傳line問送子鳥要不要做額外的檢查,因為明天本來就要去抽血,看是不是要順便檢查一下讓我安心? QQ


I felt a sudden, sharp pain in my lower left belly, about 5 cm away from my navel but still distant from my groin. This location reduces the likelihood of it being normal uterine stretching pain, and raises concerns about a possible ectopic pregnancy! 😭

I don’t want to scared myself, but given the lack of symptoms since the implantation, I’m constantly worried about a potential miscarriage. Even if my hCG levels seem fine, there’s still a possibility that the embryo hasn’t implanted in the right location.

Also, women who undergo IVF treatment have a higher chance of experiencing an ectopic pregnancy compared to those who conceive naturally. One-sided lower abdominal pain is another sign of ectopic pregnancy. >”<

I asked the clinic if additional tests are needed to ensure the baby’s safety. They essentially said that if the pain is not unbearable or constant, then it’s not an immediate concern. They advised me to keep an eye on it and consult a doctor if the pain intensifies or if I start experiencing heavy bleeding.



EP1. Taiwan’s Local Election


試管嬰兒日記-W7D2~W8 胎停 人工流產

2023/9/25 哀...要多少時間才有勇氣寫下這篇... 大出血後,第6週回診照超音波胚胎還在,有微弱心跳徵兆(64 BPM),隔週再去,卻怎麼也照不到了。那一整個禮拜什麼異狀都沒有,沒有出門,沒有不舒服,沒有任何事情,他就靜靜地停止了。 那天老公也陪我一起進診間。一開始超音波師照腹部超音波,看了異常的久,又說要改照陰道超音波,再照了很久,然後說要請主治醫師來照。當下我已經感受到氣氛凝重。賴醫師進來照陰超,看著0.5公分的胚芽沒在閃爍,嘆了一口氣,然後說:我們先下床吧,等等再討論。 我和老公都說不出話。 我腦中也是一片空白,或是說一片混亂? 怎麼會這樣呢?我什麼都沒做啊?胚胎有做基因檢查(PGS),著床時間也有做ERA檢查,持續監測賀爾蒙和血栓都是正常範圍,腫瘤壞死因子也控制住,實在沒有可知的原因,會導致萎縮性囊胚... 真的有點失魂落魄... 隔天晚上我不死心,再去家附近的雷世陽婦產科照一遍,跟醫師說明是試管嬰兒,昨天發現沒心跳,但是想要再確認一遍,醫師很諒解,只是喚不回奇蹟,胚胎依舊靜止在那兒。 難過、哀傷像海洋一樣包覆、拍打著,失望一波一波襲來,感覺快要窒息。 隔一週後,再去送子鳥,但這次是為了人工流產手術。 所有檢測都是正常,卻還是失敗,我覺得醫生也很頭痛。想必他經常面對病人植入失敗的情形,不過不論遇到多少次,應該都還是會覺得沉重。 醫生鼓勵我們,我們還很年輕,不用緊張,有的是機會。我相信如此,只是必須先走過這次的傷痛,而且不要留下陰影。 流產手術後必須休養三個月,才能再植入。 我決定訂一個禮拜的月子餐,跟公司請假,再搭上雙十節,坐個7天的小月子,好好休息調養,至少把子宮補好。(雖然我手術後沒有任何不舒服) 每個人都說:放輕鬆~自然就會有了。但是也許我們真的不知道要怎麼放輕鬆?尤其是身體檢查一項都沒有問題,從頭到尾都沒有真的不舒服,不痛不癢不吐不暈,要我從哪邊放得更輕鬆? 有一位美國媽媽在Reddit分享自己植入失敗後休息,休息期間完全沒考慮會自然懷孕(因為覺得不可能),還開始抽電子菸、喝酒、抽大麻,甚至還吃迷幻蘑菇,結果卻意外受孕了 😂 也許真的直到有一天,我和哈林(老公)都覺得算了、放棄了,寶寶才會降臨? 人生幹嘛這麼難 😭


 「作為一名修行人,我們的目標並非賺很多錢,而是轉化自己內心的痛苦,活在平靜和幸福之中。當我們看到家人及朋友幸福,我們的幸福會成倍增長。這種收穫不需要等待十年,現在馬上就可以獲益。」 this is not the exact quote from a book from Thich Nhat Hanh, but I find it more resonate to me this way. This is like a reminder, a bell of mindfulness, calling me back to my awareness of the right path.  We all know what is the right thing to do and what is the right mindset to keep, but sometimes forgetfulness has us and we lose our direction.  The light of wisdom is always within ourselves like the moonshine in the sky. all we have to do is to stop and listen. With enough clarity, The road will show itself to us naturally. #Jill