單邊下腹抽痛也是判斷重點之一...也太可怕了吧 >"<
馬上傳line問送子鳥要不要做額外的檢查,因為明天本來就要去抽血,看是不是要順便檢查一下讓我安心? QQ
I felt a sudden, sharp pain in my lower left belly, about 5 cm away from my navel but still distant from my groin. This location reduces the likelihood of it being normal uterine stretching pain, and raises concerns about a possible ectopic pregnancy! 😭
I don’t want to scared myself, but given the lack of symptoms since the implantation, I’m constantly worried about a potential miscarriage. Even if my hCG levels seem fine, there’s still a possibility that the embryo hasn’t implanted in the right location.
Also, women who undergo IVF treatment have a higher chance of experiencing an ectopic pregnancy compared to those who conceive naturally. One-sided lower abdominal pain is another sign of ectopic pregnancy. >”<
I asked the clinic if additional tests are needed to ensure the baby’s safety. They essentially said that if the pain is not unbearable or constant, then it’s not an immediate concern. They advised me to keep an eye on it and consult a doctor if the pain intensifies or if I start experiencing heavy bleeding.