例如我是8/24植入 培養5天的胚胎,那8/24那天就是懷孕第14+5=第19天。
The way to calculate the weeks and days of pregnancy for women undergoing IVF treatment is different from that of women who conceive naturally. The latter one simply starts from the first day of their last period. But for IVF moms, the date of implantation is the 14th day plus the age in days of the in vitro embryo.
For example, my implantation was conducted on August 24, with a 5-day-old embryo. So, August 24 marked the 19th day of my pregnancy (14+5).
That means, I am 6 weeks pregnant now! Strangely, I still haven't experienced iconic symptoms like morning sickness or tender breasts. Is this normal?
Many online essays say there will be 20 to 30% of lucky people who won't experience morning sickness at all. However, a small number of studies also suggested a lack of morning sickness may indicate miscarriage.
I am constantly on my toes these days, fearing the fetus isn't growing as hoped for.
My next medical check is slated for next Tuesday, just two days away. I'd be pregnant for 6 weeks and 3 days then. Hopefully we can see a healthy fetus with heart beats!