



這次植入醫院調整了兩個地方,醫生說雖然血栓數值不高,但不代表胚胎可以忍受,因此再增加抗血栓藥的量(我打愛栓通Arixtra),另外腫瘤壞死因子(TNF-Tumor necrosis factor)也可能誤判,所以保險起見也打了一劑復邁(Humira)。


植入當天進手術房植入之前,胚胎師會拿解凍胚胎的照片跟你解說,植入的過程中也可以從天花板的螢幕看到整個過程,之後這些照片都會給你作紀念。若這次有成功,我以後就會跟小孩說:你看你以前長這樣耶,一個細胞 XD




The day of embryo implantation

I got my second embryo implantation.

My first one was a failure, sadly. The day-5 blastocyst was only shallowly implanted and did not survive after one week. There was no specific reason for the failure, even the chief doctor couldn’t explain the cause. “Your physical examination looks great. From thrombosis index to immune index to progesterone levels, all are within the normal range,” he said.

But there are two “black holes”, as he put it: the thrombosis index that’s below the detectable level but still great enough to kill the embryo, and the Tumor necrosis factor, which is hard to measure accurately sometimes.

So, this time, I took more doses of Arixtra, an anticoagulant, and received an injection of Humira, to reduce the risk caused by TNF.

Plus, I take 12 pills of Estrade, 8 pills of Utrogestan 100mg, 4 pills of Compssolon, and 1 pill of Bokey everyday.

The implantation procedure went smoothly. I’ve done the Endometrial Receptivity Array, or “ERA” test, an genetic test to assess when the lining of the womb is most receptive. Its accuracy is measured down to the hour, so the clinic knows exactly when to implant the blastocysts.

Before I was sent into the operating room, they showed me the picture of my thawed embryo, and while I was on the operating table, they showed me the whole process on a hanging screen. I think this is a reassuring act for the mothers-to-be.

The first day of my second implantation, I experienced no unusual symptoms. I went back home and to the supermarket to buy some food to fill my pantry. “Avoid eating contaminated food, eat more fibers and protein.” Those are the three principles the nurse gave me. 

And of course, drink a lot of water every day. Utrogestan can cause constipation for many people, as it slows the movement of the body’s smooth muscle. That’s why a higher intake of fiber and water is recommended.



after lives

There was a time when I had this question on my mind: If there are countless after lives, meaning we will come back again and again, until an infinite future, why do we have to practice diligently this life?  Why can’t we just play around and have fun this life and then in one of our after lives, we start to practice. It will never be too late because we will have infinite after lives.  But as I learn more and more about mindfulness practice, I realize that Buddhism practice is not for reaching an ultimate goal to become enlightened. Mindfulness practice is to become happy, and to reduce suffering.  So why do we have to wait until future lives to start becoming happy when we can become happy right here and right now? you can be happy right here and right now and when you do that, you are enlightened, you are a Buddha. # Jill Yang

2020/10/05 英翻中:考監存廢》考監院的起源 出於古中國御史諫官與科舉制度 To Go or Not to Go? The Origin of Control Yuan and Examination Yuan.

 【 公視新聞網 】 李宜芳 董容慈 / 整理報導  2020-07-10 15:51 最後更新:2020-07-13 15:32 超越黨派公正獨立行使職權這種事行,根本就不存在。 英美法導論教授直白地說:「司法獨立這種事情根本就不存在。」 嘖嘖嘖。 再不好好寫論文,畢業證書就會不存在啦 

When is the beginning of a new life?

I just read about a news article showing a poll that says 6 in 10 U.S. adults support protecting the rights of embryos to some degree. It mentioned a court ruling in Alabama state, which says embryos, even fertilized outside the womb, have equal rights as humans do. This ruling almost forced IVF treatment centers in Alabama to halt operation because if embryos are indeed humans, they are basically killing hundreds of lives every year as they dispose unused embryos!  Absurd as the "embryo equals human" argument seems at first glance, it actually leads to a deeper, philosophical question: when does life begin, and when does it end? According to the same poll, 3 in 10 Americans believe the statement: "human life begins at conception," which sounds perfectly logical. But when put into legal context, not so much. The Article 7 of the Civil Code of Taiwan stipulates that " An unborn child is considered as if it were already born with regard to its interests, except ...