植入第四天回診所抽血驗懷孕指數跟其他一些免疫什麼的...項目很多記不起來。Anyway,hCG指數落在正常範圍,確定有著床,但醫生說不代表胚胎在子宮內不會受到攻擊 😭
植入以來半夜都會起來夜尿,不過因為我每天都喝很多水(2000 ml~2500 ml白開水不含咖啡、湯)半夜尿多也是正常的。
昨天(Day 5)開始就覺得心悸,心悸到晚上有點睡不著,今天還是持續。雖然我平常就會每天喝一杯咖啡,但或許是咖啡因耐受度改變?診所叫我先不要喝咖啡試試看,我打算明天先停一下。
The fourth day after implantation
Went back to the clinic to have my blood test. the hCG levels were better than last time, and fell within the right range.
Honestly, I felt no symptom at all. That’s why I was somehow anxious, lol. kept googling “no symptom after implantation.” Many said it’s normal and actually a good sign.
Besides, due to a lack of care, I made a mistake and experienced a dull pain in my womb in the afternoon. Luckily, the hCG test result turned out to be normal.
The fifth day after implantation
Weirdly, I felt heart palpitations today. Even though I measured my heart rate at just 60 beats per minute, it felt like my heart was racing all day long. I even found it a bit hard to fall asleep when I went to bed. This is unusual because the crazy amount of progesterone always makes me sleep like a log.
I kept waking up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. But that’s reasonable, since I drink 2000 ml to 2500 ml of water (before taking into account coffee and soup) everyday.
Speaking of coffee, some believe caffeine will have a negative effect on the baby, but some say it’s ok. I asked the clinic. They told me a moderate intake of coffee, approximately one cup of Americano or Latte a day, is acceptable. So, I keep that habit.
The sixth day
[taking the pills]
So many pills to swallow for a day. Besides prescribed medications, I also take supplements like Vitamin B, C, Zinc, Magnesium, Folic-Acid and probiotics, an approximation of 30 pills a day. (and 1.5 shot) QQ
[blood circulation]
Ever since the implantation operation, I have stopped doing workouts. (The last time I was so dumb to go on a hike right after the operation. I deeply regretted it.) However, a lack of exercise seemed to have reduced my blood circulation.
When the nurse drew my blood for testing, it flowed unusually slowly. Therefore, I decided to take a walk during the day since the fifth day.
[Other symptoms]
I started to have heart palpitations yesterday, and they continue until today. I am not sure whether it’s caused by the caffeine I had. I didn’t drink excessive coffee, just one cup a day, as I always do. But maybe my tolerance level has decreased for some reason. The clinic advised me to stop drinking coffee, and I’ll listen to them.
I also felt my body temperature was raised, making me more prone to sweltering.
Most importantly, I noticed brown vaginal spotting yesterday (just a tiny spot), and some more pink spots today.
According to the instructions on the “heavy bleeding first aid kit,” I don’t need to take extra action for this situation. I Hope everything turns out well. I will have my second blood test tomorrow.