I have gotten a few questions on my mind.
The first one came earlier as I was trying to practice, mindful breathing. The question is, Why should we be mindful and pay attention to our breath when it works so well automatically. Heaven, human species evolved such a long way to make breath automatic? Even when I’m not aware of it, it works so perfectly. So why do I have to be mindful of my breath?
And somehow, I have preliminary answer to it. Being mindful of our breath is not for breathing better. Breath is the lifeline for us to come back to the present moment. it is the lifebuoy we can cling onto in order to save ourselves from hell, from the traumatized the past and from the worrisome future. it’s wonderful that we can always have this lifeline with us. as long as we are a life. We will still have a breath that can save ourselves at any time. so being mindful of our breath is not for breath itself, but for curing our mind and bringing us back to the hearing now
The second question just came to me minutes ago. in Buddhism, it is said that we are our own Karma, and karma means actions. So we are our own actions. but Buddhism also says that everything inter-is. therefore, is it better to say that we are our own interactions, rather than just action. The wind blows, blowing is the wind. But there is no wind which is blowing. it is the whole cosmos that the wind is blowing. The wind and the action of blowing are at the same time everything else. so is it better to say that we are our own interactions?