

目前顯示的是 2021的文章

Can you fix my parking ticket? 你可以幫我銷單嗎?

I’ve only received one parking ticket once. I was in Xi-Meng-Ting, having a dinner date with my new graduate school classmates for the fist time. I remember that I couldn’t find a parking space because everywhere was so packed. Then, I saw an array of scooters parking in front of the restaurant, so I joined them, just naturally. Of course it’s an illegal parking space. So I got my first parking ticket. Today, I learned an expression: Fix a parking ticket, which means to cancel the ticket so that you don’t need to pay it or get any violation record.  I should have fought against my parking ticket, for I wasn’t the only one parking there, and…and no more excuse, I just broke the law 😂😂😂. However, I found that there’s even an app for this! “Fixed”, the easiest way to fight a parking ticket! Well, guess it doesn’t work here in Taiwan, though. But the point is, I learned a new expression: fix a parking ticket! Wish I’ll never get another one, so that I won’t have to worry about how t...


要講透天厝,可以有這兩個選擇: single attached house, 是指單邊連棟屋(其中一面牆與隔壁相連) single detached house 則是完全獨立,座落在基地中間的房子(如圖說明)   可以看房子的型態選擇適合的字眼~ 還有很多其他的單字可以描述房屋,台灣常見的公寓大廈(還要繳管理費那種),外國人常說是 condo (condominium)。 Apartment 是指無產權的出租公寓。 英式英文會稱作 flat。 Bungalow 是只有一層樓的平房。 Cottage 是小木屋,通常在山上、湖邊、雪地,有斜屋頂那種。 Pre-fab 工廠做好直接運到基地放的房屋、組合屋,很多pre-fab非常豪華舒適,不是那種臨時搭建的組合屋。 這些是我最常看到的房屋英文,因為我很愛看裝潢節目🤣🤣 還有很多其他種類的房屋名稱,可以參考 維基百科 other references: 1. 投資apartment還是condo-先搞清楚兩者有什麼不同 2. Single Attached vs Single Detached #Jill Yang 大家講房子最簡單的只會想到 house

Temperature 可數不可數?



  很久沒有更新blog,因為最近都沒時間翻譯,有些是翻譯的來源文不適合發表(怕版權爭議)。 不過最近常常早上都會看民視英語新聞多學點單字片語用法,卻常常有「奇怪」的發現! 尤其是在記者報導有關料理的時候,常常令人錯愕! 今天一則新聞訪問吃火鍋的民眾,稱讚雞肉肉質軟嫩、皮薄、「沒有雞肉的那層油」... 沒有雞肉的那層油到底是沒有雞肉還是沒有油?! 記者翻譯:「The layer of oil with no meat is delicious.」 疑欸?依照常理判斷,應該是在讚美雞肉不油,不是覺得那層油很好吃吧 \(´◓Д◔`)/! 還有一次