【聖嚴法師 心靈環保法與】 慈悲沒有敵人,智慧不起煩惱 Compassion has no enemy, wisdom gives rise to no affliction -- Master Sheng Yen 佛教中有「結緣」的說法,意思就是人與人之間彼此支持、協助,共同走上良善、光明的道路。 Buddhism speaks about "cultivating positive connection," meaning you and I support and help each other so that we can walk on the righteous and bright path together. 「慈悲沒有敵人,智慧不起煩惱」,慈悲的對象,除了慈悲別人,也要慈悲自己。因為不慈悲自己,會讓自己很痛苦。例如,有的人不肯原諒自己,於是就傷害自己。其實做錯事,改過就好,若是不斷責罰自己,就會一直陷在痛苦之中,這就是對自己不慈悲了。對別人也是一樣,如果態度不慈悲,可能就會一再地傷害他人。 In the quote "Compassion has no enemy, wisdom gives rise to no affliction, " we should not only have compassion toward others but also toward ourselves. Without self-compassion, life can be very painful. For example, if one doesn't know how to forgive oneself, they might end up punishing themselves. But the right way to deal with a mistake is to correct it, constantly reproach oneself and remain trapped in suffering . This is a form of self-cruelty. Similarly, if we are not compassionate in our attitude towa...