2020/08/14 今日新聞英文 Today news, today words 東部最長的徒步吊橋在太魯閣國家公園正式啟用 (From CNA news ) 1. 吊橋: suspension bridge 2. 行人橋: footbridge 3. 峽谷: gorge (gorge同時也是吃撐的意思。 gorge oneself on something. be gorged with something) 4. 原住民部落: indigenous tribe (現在好像都不太用 aboriginal 了,比較常看到indigenous) 5. 觀景台: viewing deck 6. 年久失修 : fall into disrepair / in a state of disrepair 7. 日治時期 : Japanese colonial period 8. 預先: in advance 全部加起來: The new suspension bridge hung over the Taroko gorge , which has viewing decks on its both sides, was officially opened with the blessing of elders from the local Truku indigenous tribe . The original footbridge built in the Japanese colonial period fell into disrepair and was replaced by the Central Cross-Island Highway. To visit the bridge, tourists have to book 3-14 days in advance . # by Jill Yang