

目前顯示的是 8月, 2020的文章

三倍券、偽造變造仿造 英文怎麼說?

2020/8/14 津津有味、大驚小怪的英文怎麼說?

 2020/8/14 今日新聞英文 Today news today words 義大利年輕人不鳥社交距離 (From VOA ) 1. 津津 (津津有味、津津樂道的感覺) : relish (v.)   relish the prospect/idea/opportunity/doing something ↪例:他很喜歡問別人私密問題。他很喜歡證明別人是錯的。   relish (n.) with great relish ↪例:我吃得津津有味。I ate with great relish , enjoying every bite. ➔ Longman Dictionary 2. 大驚小怪 : much ado about nothing  出自莎士比亞的喜劇《無事生非》,是形容大驚小怪的意思。➔ Longman Dictionary ↪例:新冠肺炎只是大驚小怪。The coronavirus pandemic is much ado about nothing . 2-1. 毫不猶豫,立馬: without further ado ↪例:他立馬訂票。He booked the ticket without further ado. ↪例:他頭也不回地關門走人。He turned on his heel and left without further ado , slamming the door behind him. ➔ Longman Dictionary 3. 鄭重強調: emphatically 4. 厭煩,惱怒: chafe at/under/against something (特別是對於管制、批評) ↪例:義大利年輕人對上一代長期把持國家資源感到惱怒。Young Italians have long chafed at what they see as the hold that older generations have on the country. 5. 只剩一點屑屑: only crumbs   / krʌm / b不發音。麵包屑 bread crumbs. allowing them mere crumbs that can't feed a future. 只剩一絲安慰/希望:The...

2020/8/14 民法、成年年齡的英文怎麼講?

2020/8/14 今日新聞英文 Today news today words  政院拍板成年年齡下修至18歲 (From  Taipei Times ) 1. 政院拍板: cabinet approves 2. 民法 : Civil Code 3. 成年年齡 : the age of majority 4. 與...一致: in line with something (與國際趨勢、研究結果...一致) 5. 引領至: usher somebody in/into/to something 全部加起來: The Cabinet has approved the amendments to(注意介係詞) the Civil Code that would lower the age of majority from 20 to 18, bringing the nation in line with the international trend and ushering in a new era.  #by Jill Yang


 2020/08/14  今日新聞英文 Today news, today words 東部最長的徒步吊橋在太魯閣國家公園正式啟用 (From CNA news ) 1. 吊橋: suspension bridge 2. 行人橋: footbridge 3. 峽谷: gorge (gorge同時也是吃撐的意思。 gorge oneself on something. be gorged with something) 4. 原住民部落: indigenous tribe (現在好像都不太用 aboriginal 了,比較常看到indigenous) 5. 觀景台: viewing deck 6. 年久失修 : fall into disrepair / in a state of disrepair 7. 日治時期 : Japanese colonial period 8. 預先: in advance 全部加起來: The new suspension bridge hung over the Taroko gorge , which has viewing decks on its both sides, was officially opened with the blessing of elders from the local Truku indigenous tribe . The original footbridge built in the Japanese colonial period fell into disrepair and was replaced by the Central Cross-Island Highway. To visit the bridge, tourists have to book 3-14 days in advance .  # by Jill Yang