「作為一名修行人,我們的目標並非賺很多錢,而是轉化自己內心的痛苦,活在平靜和幸福之中。當我們看到家人及朋友幸福,我們的幸福會成倍增長。這種收穫不需要等待十年,現在馬上就可以獲益。」 this is not the exact quote from a book from Thich Nhat Hanh, but I find it more resonate to me this way. This is like a reminder, a bell of mindfulness, calling me back to my awareness of the right path. We all know what is the right thing to do and what is the right mindset to keep, but sometimes forgetfulness has us and we lose our direction. The light of wisdom is always within ourselves like the moonshine in the sky. all we have to do is to stop and listen. With enough clarity, The road will show itself to us naturally. #Jill